Sunday, June 10, 2007

Magical Beach

Yeah for some, maybe.

I intended to write this full of wit and sarcasm, detailing the insanity that is Virginia Beach. But, for once, words failed me, and I am too heavy hearted for the sarcasm that masks my feelings.

The honest truth... I hate it here, and every day that goes by leaves me feeling more and more suffocated.

I hate the beach. I hate the tourists. I hate the locals. I hate the traffic. I hate the jets. I hate the hoodlums. I hate the police. The list is endless; I hate everything about being here.

Every day, I wonder, "How do I fix this? How do I get out of here? What am I going to do?" Then, life's daily hurdles take over, and I forget that I am trapped like an animal in a cage. The thought of being caged this way forever leaves me saddened and bitter.

I can't see the way out; I can't figure out how to turn it all around. Every time I think I am taking a step forward, life is kind enough to knock me five steps back. I'm starting to learn that it is a pointless struggle.

Luckily, I know how to put on a happy face and pretend to the universe that all is well. I am the strong one after all... isn't that right? Tough as nails; I can handle anything... or so everyone keeps telling me.

Ooooh, the sarcasm is back; the mask must be falling back over my face.

There is no magic here.