Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Passing Time

Okay, so I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I have been extremely busy.

Doing what? I have no idea.

I can't seem to find enough time in the day to do anything anymore. Sleeping used to be my favorite activity. Now it aggravates me. I'm wasting precious hours that could be devoted to doing lord only knows what.

But, just in case you are interested, here's a little rundown of my activities of the last couple of weeks:

* Helped Elisa move. Gonna have to do it again soon. Lucky for her, she's moving near Chick's Beach, which is my fav spot in the city. Now she's going to be stuck with me forever.

* Got sick. Really sick with some ugly, nasty stomach bug. I lived, though, in case you were wondering.

* Aidan (my cat) got sick. Hospital sick. Poor boy; he's home now with new food and new medicine, which took my rent money, so now we might have to go and live in a box.

* Got to hang out online and catch up with my sister, which has been pretty cool. It's her birthday today too! Happy big day, Chrys!!!!!!!!

* My car is starting to hate me. I am crossing my fingers that it holds out until next month, so I can spend THAT rent check on it.

* I had to add 200 minutes to my cell phone plan, because I went over on my minutes in 2 weeks last month. Apparently that didn't help, because I have now done the same thing this month. Hmmm, maybe that is where my precious time is slipping away to.

* Oh yeah, I BROKE the goddamn phone last month, too. Cracked it right in half. Now I have a new one that is way cooler.

I think that's about it. Yes, I know; I'm a simple person.

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